Saturday, 7 April 2012

Real Time Update In Political & Cultural History Of Assamese Muslim Is Mixed Up With MIA Muslim

Assam is a State in India which has second largest Muslim Population after Jammu & Kashmir.Recent census says that the data bellow:-
Total Population:27 million
Hindus:13 million
Bengali Muslims:7.8 million
Assamese Muslims:2.5 million

The majority of the population of Assam,a state in northeast India,is Hindu.But Muslims are very present in Assam,forming almost a second of the population.Most Muslims in Assam are Bengali origin,but there are indigenous Assamese Muslims too those are called Maria & Goria.
1.History of Assamese Muslim:-
The history of the indigenous Muslims of Assam is a long one,though many details are obscure, especially for the Assamese Muslims.A Brahmin priest from Kamrup(near the geographical middle of Assam)was reported to have embraced Islam around the 13th century.He wrote and presented a book of tantric(mystical)practices called the "Pool of Nectar",which was translated into Arabic,Persian and Turkish.Through this many yogic practices entered into Islamic mysticism throughout south,central and even west Asia. Later in the 16th century,an Islamic saint is said to have come to preach Islam in the area. This Muslim saint's tomb and the mosque which adjoins it is known as Pao Mecca,or'One-Fourth of Mecca',as it is reputed to have a quarter of the sanctity of Mecca itself.
2.Geo Location of Assamese Muslim:-
Integration of the Assamese Muslims,India
It is likely that the Assamese Muslims,who are found primarily in the northeastern parts of the state,are descended particularly from those who embraced Islam during this earlier period. The Assamese Muslims are well integrated with the rest of Assamese society.Proud of their language and culture,Assamese Muslims have often been in positions of influence within the society of Assam and even India,one of their most famous individuals was Fakharuddin Ali Ahmed,President of the Indian Republic from Assam.
4.Pious ness of Assamese Muslim:-

Ironically,the only complete translation of the Qur'an into Assamese has been done by an Islamic sect considered heretical by most Muslims,this translation has been rejected by most Assamese Muslims.A translation of the Bible using religious terminology familiar to Assamese Muslims has not yet been published. Many Assamese Muslims are involved in folk customs,mixing local animistic beliefs in with their practice of Islam.
5.MIA Assamese Muslim:-
Another sect of Muslim are the East Bengal rooted people called Mia Muslim those are living in Assam before the India was divided. But our fore father had come here directly sponsored by the Government Of Assam(then). Assam was a single state of India in Interior North East.There were few people to cultivate there the Government(then)patronized our fore father to come Assam from East Bengal(then).We are the fourth or fifth generation of our Mia community in Assam.They have accepted all the culture of Assam but unfortunately we are till date lebellized as illegal immigrant,Bangladeshi,many other surname.The poor people has no time to think about other things except food,shelter and cloths.Few people of Mia community has over come the life struggle and they have established in society as a human being.The Mia people(50%)are living with out food and shelter till date.So there was none to think about this poor community of Assam. Although MIA's are the impotant part of the greater Assamese community but a few intellectual and politician(self styled guardians of Assamese)are neglected them and trying to separate them from greater Assamese community.They can not want to think this that MIA's are also a part in formation of greater  Assamese community.

The Holy Quran says that FOLLOW THE RULE OF NATION IS THE ORDER OF ALLAH[Hibbul watane Iman].So the pious Mia people normally accepted the customs of greater Assamese Community and they feel proud to be called an Assamese.

1.30 days prayer network
2.POLITICS OF INFILTRATION-A Threat to Socio-cultural Identity of Assam ? by R.Upadhyay
